In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by WW3, a new virus has emerged, transforming some women into futanari beings with the ability to impregnate others. Tabitha Poison is a member of an anti-humanity group that is set to destroy humanity and all futas. She is keeping one of the infected women, Lovita Fate in captivity, planning to experiment on her.
However, Lovita breaks free and turns the tables on her ... Read More
In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by WW3, a new virus has emerged, transforming some women into futanari beings with the ability to impregnate others. Tabitha Poison is a member of an anti-humanity group that is set to destroy humanity and all futas. She is keeping one of the infected women, Lovita Fate in captivity, planning to experiment on her.
However, Lovita breaks free and turns the tables on her captor, seeking revenge. She submits Tabitha to her and commands her to take her hard futa cock deep in her throat in a deepthroat blowjob. But Lovita’s thirst for revenge isn’t satisfied yet.
She proceeds to take Tabitha to the table and thrusts her cock into Tabitha’s tight ass. After the intense anal pounding, Lovita flips Tabitha on her back and starts fucking her pussy, driving more pleasure to both of them. Finally, Lovita finishes with a massive facial on Tabitha, covering her in loads of sticky cum.
January 17, 2025 at 2:26 pm (15 hours ago)Lovita has taken enough Shit and take her capture Straight up her Shitter! Lots to enjoy here and Lovita Pounds Her Ass then Gives Her a Massive Facial and a Warning!!! Great Scene!!!